

I organize exhibition tours for professional artists in Europe and also overseas. In my portfolio I have these exhibitions:

Journeys of Kafka - photos of 70 authentic places, where famous writer Franz Kafka spent his holiday from Czechia, Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

Textile Treasure - American artist Noah Breuer discovered real treasure - his ancestors had textile factory in pre-war Czechoslovakia. He found archive of this factory and created an exhibition, where he combines historical ornaments and contemporary design.

Czechs in Denmark - Group of 80 Czech Jewish teens went to Denmark in 1939. They stayed in Danish foster families till 1943. The exhibition includes historical context and individual stories of these teens.

Looted Art - This exhibition presents results of research of Czech historians. They searched for artworks, confiscated by Nazis during WWII. What happened to these artworks? 


"Journalistic work is full of joy, surprises, but also very painful moments. It is an endless adventure." This is what I am saying to my students.

Except for this pedagogical work at universities I am also a lecturer of media workshops, where I explain, how to present your project in media, what kind of materials are relevant for media and how to be prepared for an interview with journalists.